Kinematics and Dynamics
Frames of Reference:
- Global Frame
- Local Frame
Translation vector ():
Rotation Matrix ():
Homogeneous Coordinates and Transformations
- Purpose: Represent both rotation and translation in a single framework.
- Matrix Structure:
- : Rotation matrix (3x3).
- : Translation vector (3x1).
Example: Multiplying with a point vector (in homogenous coordinates) transforms it into a new frame:
Motion Planning
Finding the shortest path from point A to point B, avoiding any obstacles
Dijkstra's Algorithm
Description: Dijkstra’s algorithm computes the shortest path in a graph with non-negative edge weights. It systematically explores nodes with the smallest accumulated cost. Mathematics: Given a graph , where is the set of vertices (nodes) and is the set of edges:
- : Cost of the edge between node and .
- : Accumulated cost to reach node .
- Initialize: : Start node.
- Iteratively update:
- Stop when all nodes are visited, or the goal node is reached. Steps:
- Initialize a priority queue (min-heap) to store nodes with their costs.
- Set the cost to the start node as 0 and all others as infinity.
- While the queue is not empty:
- Extract the node with the smallest cost.
- Update the costs of its neighbors if a shorter path is found.
- Stop when the goal node is reached.
Key Intuition: Imagine you are in a city, and you want to find the least expensive route to a destination. Dijkstra explores all cheaper routes first, ensuring the result is optimal.
- Guarantees the shortest path.
- Works well in static environments.
- Computationally expensive for large graphs.
- Does not scale well for dynamic or real-time scenarios.
A* Search
Description: A* extends Dijkstra’s algorithm by introducing a heuristic to guide the search. The cost function becomes: where:
- : Cost to reach the current node.
- : Heuristic cost estimate to reach the goal.
- Initialize: : Start node.
- While the queue is not empty:
- Extract the node with the lowest .
- Update the costs for neighbors based on the cost function:
- Continue until the goal node is expanded.
Key Intuition: A* balances exploration (using ) and goal-directed behavior (using ). It’s like finding the shortest path in a maze while guessing how far the exit is.
- Guarantees the shortest path if is admissible (i.e., never overestimates the cost).
- More efficient than Dijkstra for many cases because it guides the search.
- Performance heavily depends on the quality of the heuristic .
- If is too weak, A* degenerates to Dijkstra’s algorithm.
How do you turn a continuous state/action space into a sparse representation (like a graph)?
Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT)
Description: RRT is a popular probabilistic algorithm for motion planning in high-dimensional spaces. It incrementally builds a tree by randomly sampling the space and connecting new nodes to the existing tree using a local planner.
- Initialize a tree with the start node.
- Sample a random point in the space.
- Find the nearest node in the tree and attempt to extend the tree toward the random point.
- Repeat until a path to the goal is found or a maximum number of iterations is reached.
Key Intuition: RRT randomly explores the space, ensuring that even in complex environments with obstacles, the tree quickly spreads and covers much of the space.
- Can handle high-dimensional spaces.
- Suitable for nonholonomic and constrained systems.
- The path generated may not be optimal.
- May require additional steps like path smoothing for practical use.
Probabilistic Road Maps (PRMs)
Description: PRM is another probabilistic algorithm for motion planning, particularly in complex environments. It constructs a roadmap by randomly sampling the free space and connecting the samples to form a graph.
- Sample points randomly in the free space.
- For each pair of nearby samples, check if the path between them is collision-free and add an edge if valid.
- Query the roadmap for a path between the start and goal by connecting the start and goal to the graph and searching for a valid path.
Key Intuition: PRMs create a roadmap of valid paths in the environment, making it easier to find paths from start to goal by simply navigating through the pre-built map.
- Works well in complex and high-dimensional environments.
- Once the roadmap is constructed, queries for new paths are fast.
- Construction phase can be slow and computationally expensive.
- Works best in environments where the free space is much larger than the obstacles.
Visibility Graph Path Planning
Description: Visibility graph planning connects the vertices of obstacles (such as corners) in an environment and creates a graph of visible paths between these vertices. Steps:
- Identify critical points (e.g., corners of obstacles).
- Connect these points with edges if the line of sight between them is free of obstacles.
- Search the graph for the shortest path.
Key Intuition: Visibility graphs simplify the search by only considering important points in the environment, reducing complexity.
- Provides exact, efficient paths when the environment is relatively simple.
- Easy to implement in lower-dimensional spaces.
- Computationally expensive in complex or high-dimensional environments.
- Not suitable for dynamic or rapidly changing environments.
Path Smoothing
Description: Path smoothing is the process of refining a path generated by a path-planning algorithm to reduce sharp turns or improve efficiency while maintaining feasibility in the environment.
- Evaluate the path for long, straight sections or sharp angles.
- Modify the path to smooth out the turns and reduce path length by introducing new intermediate points.
Key Intuition: Imagine you have a jagged path through a forest; smoothing it out makes the trajectory smoother and more natural, without veering off course.
- Improves the quality of the path by making it smoother and less aggressive.
- Reduces wear and tear on robots and vehicles.
- Smoothing can sometimes lead to paths that are slightly longer.
- May not be suitable for nonholonomic systems that require sharp turns.
Linear Quadratic Regulator
- Dynamics model of the system is known
- System is linear:
- is the next state of the system
- is the action applied to the system
Stabilize the system around state with control = 0. Then the systems remains at zero forever.
- Helicopter dynamics
Description: GraphSLAM is an approach for solving the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem. It formulates SLAM as a graph-based optimization problem where nodes represent robot poses or landmarks, and edges represent constraints derived from sensor measurements.
Key Intuition:
- Imagine your path as a connect-the-dots drawing, where each dot is a robot’s pose and lines are constraints derived from your sensor data. GraphSLAM optimizes the positions of the dots and lines to make everything fit perfectly.
Mathematics: The graph optimization problem is expressed as: Where:
- : State of node (e.g., robot pose or landmark position).
- : Measurement or observation between nodes and .
- : Measurement model predicting based on the states and .
- : Information matrix (inverse covariance of measurement noise).
- Build the graph with nodes for poses and landmarks.
- Add edges based on constraints from odometry and sensor data.
- Use nonlinear optimization techniques (like Gauss-Newton or Levenberg-Marquardt) to minimize the error.
- Loop Closure: Integrating new observations of previously visited areas without introducing inconsistencies.
- Computational Cost: Large graphs with many nodes and edges can become computationally expensive.
Intuition for Optimization:
- Think of a tangled web of strings representing constraints. Optimization is like pulling the strings until the web is evenly stretched without breaking.
Kalman Filters
Kalman Filters
Description: Kalman filters are recursive Bayesian filters used for state estimation in systems with linear dynamics and Gaussian noise. They predict the state of a system based on its current estimate and measurements while accounting for uncertainty.
Key Intuition:
- Imagine walking through a foggy field with a flashlight. Your movement predicts where you’ll be, but the flashlight (sensor) refines your guess based on what it reveals.
- : State transition matrix.
- : Process noise covariance.
- : Observation matrix.
- : Measurement noise covariance.
- Linear and Gaussian assumptions can be limiting for nonlinear or non-Gaussian systems.
- Sensitive to parameter tuning and sensor noise.
- Used in tracking (e.g., GPS localization).
- Integral to sensor fusion systems for robotics.
Comparison to EKF: EKF handles nonlinear dynamics by linearizing the system about the current estimate, making it applicable to more complex robotic systems.
Visual Odometry and Visual SLAM
Visual Odometry and Visual SLAM
Description: Visual Odometry (VO) refers to the process of estimating a robot’s pose (position and orientation) by analyzing consecutive images from a camera. Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (Visual SLAM) extends VO by simultaneously building a map of the environment while estimating the robot’s pose within that map.
Key Intuition:
- Imagine you’re walking blindfolded and trying to figure out where you are by feeling the ground with your feet (VO). Now, imagine also sketching a map of the room while you move to keep track of places you’ve visited (SLAM).
- VO tracks how the world changes in the camera’s view, while SLAM combines this motion with building a spatial representation of the environment.
Key Challenges:
- Epipolar Constraints: These ensure that when you look at the same point in two images, the relative camera motion aligns them geometrically. Think of this as connecting two dots on a string.
- Depth Estimation: For stereo cameras, the distance between the cameras acts like human eyes determining depth by how much an object “shifts” between views.
- Scale Ambiguity: A single camera doesn’t inherently know how “big” things are in the real world unless you tell it. It’s like seeing a photo of a car without knowing if it’s a toy or real.
- Motion Estimation: Imagine estimating the robot’s movement from a sequence of slightly blurry pictures—small errors can add up over time, leading to drift.
Epipolar Geometry and Epipolar Constraint: The epipolar constraint helps relate the same 3D point across two different camera views: Where:
- and are the homogeneous coordinates of a point in the first and second image, respectively.
- is the fundamental matrix, encoding the relative camera motion and intrinsic parameters.
Depth from Stereo Disparity: Stereo cameras capture the same scene from two viewpoints. The disparity (difference in pixel locations of the same point) is inversely proportional to the depth: Where:
- is the depth.
- is the focal length of the camera.
- is the baseline (distance between the two cameras).
- is the disparity (difference in pixel coordinates).
Triangulation as a Least-Squares Problem: To estimate the 3D coordinates of a point, triangulation minimizes the reprojection error: Where:
- is the 3D point in homogeneous coordinates.
- is the projection matrix for camera .
- is the 2D observation of the point in image .
Scale Issues in Monocular Visual Odometry: Monocular systems only recover relative scale because they lack a direct reference for real-world distances. This is like trying to judge the size of a mountain in a photograph—it depends on your assumptions.
Visual SLAM vs. Structure from Motion (SfM):
- Visual SLAM: Operates online, prioritizing real-time map building and pose estimation.
- Structure from Motion (SfM): Works offline, focusing on building highly detailed 3D models from images, often without real-time constraints.
Key Intuition for SLAM: Think of SLAM as solving a jigsaw puzzle where each piece is a local map from sensor data. The robot must place and adjust the pieces while figuring out its own position relative to the puzzle.