International Young Physicists' Tournament (IYPT)

high school physics research competition

About the International Young Physicists Tournament

The International Young Physicists Tournament is a science competition in which teams of high school students compete to solve research problems based on physical phenomena. Teams have several months to prepare their solutions and eventually present to a panel of judges, who evaluate the presentations based on their originality and scientific rigor.
The following are two of the problems that I worked on in 2021 & 2022, where I finished top ten in Canada and was a finalist for the national team, spending 300+ hours investigating these phenomena and coming up with a report and defense for my findings.

Unsinkable Disk

"A metal disk with a hole at its centre sinks in a container filled with water. When a vertical water jet hits the centre of the disc, it may float on the water surface. Explain this phenomenon and investigate the relevant parameters."

Unsinkable Disk IYPT Presentation Slides

Bead Dynamics

A circular hoop rotates about a vertical diameter. A small bead is allowed to roll in a groove on the inside of the hoop. Investigate the relevant parameters affecting the dynamics of the bead.

Bead Dynamics IYPT Presentation Slides